The Body Calls Us Home
Make a decision to begin loving your body,
fully, and without apology.
Make a decision to embrace
the many faces that you carry within.
Make a decision to bring all
of the lost and forgotten parts of you,
back into the faceted glimmering,
jewel that you are.
Begin to remember that your body is sacred.
Begin to remember that you are made
as a temple of clay from this earth,
held together with breath, and dust
from planets and stars.
Begin to remember
that the Earth also lives as some body,
and that as we are nourished by thee,
this life needs to be nourished by us all.
Do not forget that your body
holds a living library of story and song about you.
Read aloud and dance these histories,
so you might come to know your ancestors,
and your descendants.
Those living, waiting, and unborn,
who learn from your body how to live.
Gathering, watching, and seeing,
what their lives may one day become.
Most of all never forget,
that your body has never forgotten you,
but sleeps like a lover awaiting your return.
Wake up the body gently,
call the body beloved,
just as the body calls you home.
Lorna Bailey